Minimum EPC Requirement

In 2018 a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating was introduced in England and Wales. The initiative is now to be implemented in Scotland and will take effect from 2020. The Scottish Government released its draft regulations earlier this month and have revealed the following:

Private rented sector properties in Scotland will need to achieve at least:
• EPC of E at change of tenancy from 1 April 2020
• All rental properties must have an EPC rating of E by 31 March 2022
• EPC of D at change of tenancy from 1 April 2022
• All rental properties must have an EPC rating of D by 31 March 2025

In some situations there will be exemptions, including where:
• It is not technically feasible to carry out improvements
• Where other owners in a block of flats refuse consent to do work to common parts of the building
• Where tenants refuse consent for work
• Where permission to carry out work to a property which is listed or in a conservation area can’t be obtained
• Where the cost of improvements needed in the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022 exceeds £5000, and where the cost of improvements needed in the period after 31 March 2022 exceeds £5000.

Full details are available on the Scottish Government website:

Lawson Thompson